On Saturday at the Tai-Chi class, we stumbled onto a great idea for this upcoming Chinese New Year celebrations. The Year of the Ox begins on January 26, 2009, which puts it very close to the weekend of the 24th.
Instead of going to a restaurant and doing all the "usual" stuff, we figured that it'd be a lot of fun to simply get together after Tai-Chi, crack open a few drinks, order some Chinese food (or whatever food), and watch 2 Chinese sword-based movies: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Jet Li's Hero.
We'll train 'til 10:30am, then just head over to a place (yet to be determined) with a big enough screen & DVD player, then just hang, eat, & enjoy each others' company until the 2 movies are over.
Who's in?
Dang. I'll be in Anaheim that weekend. I have both DVDs, though, so I will be glad to share them with you.
I must echo Ros' sentiment, since I'll also be out of town that weekend, in my case San Francisco. Sorry to miss it.
I need to juggle a vet appointment, but I look forward to being there after missing both of the previous celebrations.
Ros, thank you for your offer, but I have both of those DVDs too. Looks like we'll be missing quite a few folks, so perhaps it'll be best to celebrate later instead.
I dunno... maybe at the end of February? Get-togethers should be easy... not hectic & rushed.
Since we all lead LA-style lifestyles (me being one of the worst offenders), perhaps it's best to just set a date nice & far in advance so that there's nothing conflicting.
Your thoughts, folks?
It is easier to plan a little farther ahead, and I would enjoy being able to join the group for the celebration. On the other hand, it's hard to find any date that someone won't have other commitments. I don't know what works for most people.
Yeah, I'll be out of town also. But I love this idea! Sifu would my place be acceptable? Parking could be tricky, though, lots of people park there on the weekends.
I also think it is a great idea... we could do it on the following weekend if everyone is available (Jan 31-- still close to CNY). Let's discuss in class...
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