Thursday, June 11, 2009

Things to work on this saturday.

Hello everyone!-
Yesterday, as I was doing a kettlebell work out in the park near my house, I observed a few people practicing Tai Chi together. It was very interesting. It closely resembled what we do (the hands form was a little different but the sword form was exsactly the same) except for one thing. Posture! Their chests were sunk in and their necks were chickened forward. If there is one thing that Sifu says that has been burned into my mind forever it is "Pull your head up!" I like that we have been going through the entire form the past couple of weeks, but this weekend as Sifu is away, I prepose that we break things down a little more and really work on pulling our posture tall and tucking our hips in the proper postures. I just wanted to get everyone eleses thoughts on what we should focus on this week as Sifu is out of town?
Also, this morning as I was covering the Chi Gong class that my mother teaches, I was relived and happy to see Mitsuko in attendence and in high spirit. She told me she would be there on saturday so I just thought I would let everyone know incase anyone was concerned for her. Hope everyone has been having a great week and I look forward to a great class as always on saturday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to see you posting here, Anton.

I'm curious who those people were that were training near your house and whom they've learned from.

The more I investigate this thing that makes up our human form, the more I'm realizing certain universalities - mobility first, strength, structure, breathing.

This morning, I had a phone call with Gray Cook, whom many of you know is a mentor of mine. He was talking about having a "stiff" core versus a "reactive" core. So many people talk about having a "strong" core that they fail to realize that they're essentially developing rigid muscle that only knows how to hold tightly.

Health and true survival is about balance. Most people interpret that phrase to be an excuse to slack off and "take it easy", but it's really about having the situational awareness to be effectively responsive.

Work your posture, work your basics, don't just do reps, folks. Develop your awareness of what EVERY part of you is doing at EVERY microsecond in time. Your breath, your posture, your thought, your emotion... all of it must be trained to work as one seamless whole!