Monday, July 28, 2008


This Saturday, although a painful lesson in sleep deprivation for me, was also incredibly inspiring as far as witnessing the progress that my students have been making in my absence.

The recap...

Fut Ga Kuen - Strong... Chris has been making solid strides with the Staff, while Kate & Anton have basically gotten the entire Kwan-Do set down pat.

Tai-Chi - The focus was on fundamentals again, as I had the class focus on statics & symmetricals... mostly on statics. I did, however, rotate the lead from one senior student to another. It turned out to be quite an eye-opening experience for all involved, as even the instructors found out that there were more than a few times when they were giving the correct verbal instructions while their physical demonstrations didn't always match. Anton, as usual, asked several excellent questions regarding application.

Tai-Chi Sword - After watching everyone run through the set once, I paired everyone up such that a junior person was working with someone more skilled in the finer points. This turned out to be the coup of the day! Kate worked with Ellen, Anton with Chris, and Ros with Dave (whom I had to tell to look at his sword something like 8 times). The verbal cues and the physical demonstration of the techniques and the corrections really impressed me on a variety of different levels. I have a feeling that this sort of paired instruction format is going to be the standard for a while to come as regards the Sword portion of class.

This coming weekend is the RKC weekend at UCLA. Both Anton & I will be teaching during the entire weekend, so the Fut Ga is cancelled, but the Tai-Chi will go on as usual. If Kate's available, she's at the helm, as I believe Chris will be out of town. Otherwise, it's Ros's show.

The following weekend, I'll be in St. Paul, and the weekend after that, I'll be in town tied up with an all-day seminar.

My suggestion for the next 3 classes - statics!!! Lately, I allowed the focus to shift towards entire sections, as well as occasionally doing the entirety of the long form. Let's swing the focus back towards the component parts that make each section shine.

Questions? Drop a line. I'll get back to you post-haste.


Chris said...

Is Sifu coming on Saturday?
(August 16th)

Unknown said...

I will be in Carson, studying at the SFMA 2-day course. As soon as that wraps, I should be at almost every weekend class until I leave for New Zealand in late November.