For those few of you whom I've invited to join this blog, it's the brainchild of TC Advanced student & RKC candidate Nikki Shlosser.
The blog will be a means where you can all see my Google Calendar, which I'm slowly transitioning to from Yahoo Calendar. As soon as I figure out how to make it such that the details of the appointments are visible only to you guys, you'll be able to see what's up with my time more easily.
The impetus for this latest web-interface comes from my realization of two facts:
1. I have too little time to accomplish all the things I need to accomplish, and therefore must delegate out more of my responsibilities... AND
2. For all of you included on this group, you need to teach to be able to grow. As I was telling Nikki this morning, for me to have achieved what I've achieved so far in martial arts, TCM, kettlebells, whatever.. a great deal of it's from me being forced to teach on my own. Instead of having you guys in my shade all the time, the opportunity to stand on your own as instructors will not only force you to grow, but allow you to develop your own teaching styles and followings.
This blog will serve as a place where each and every one of you who are invited to it can post. So for people like Big Steve who take copious notes, it's a place to put those down for everyone to benefit from, ask questions about, and reflect on. We can all put down what our insights were that day, and raise what we feel are the important points or relevant questions about technique, teaching, etc.
As Nik pointed out, even if I'm travelling, I can be part of the class, and vice versa. Video, stills, and lots of text can make this a tremendous teaching/reference tool for all of us. And I'd like nothing more than to see you all take a bigger share of the sunlight!
What does that mean for you & me?
Simple... I'm going to spend less time teaching the general public. Why? I just don't have the time. I've already gotten squeezed out of teaching the Saturday class for the most part, as many of you have noticed.
So that means that for the select few of you, you'll have access to me before anyone else does. For Saturdays, that'll mean that in a couple of weeks, I'll only be teaching the Advanced class on a regular basis. I'll be checking the "Open" level classes on a more sporadic basis, just to see how you are teaching and what the general level of the students is. But we're at a point now where I trust the people who are in teaching positions to pass on the knowledge I've given them in an accurate manner.
I'll be doing the same thing with KBLA's Sunday workouts in the near future, too. I plan to have a KBLA instructors' blog with the same limited access I have here. Each instructor will have a day on the calendar where they are the "chief instructor" of the group, and will handle the flow of the class, the delegation of teaching duties, and collect the pot. That will rotate among all of the instructors and be posted on a public calendar which will be linked to the KBLA website.
Why am I pulling back from teaching so much? Because I realize that trying to do everything myself is injurious to everyone. It's taking away too much of my energy so that I have less energy to focus on YOU, my advanced students. It's keeping me away from handling more pressing matters of business and family. And perhaps worst of all, it's keeping you from growing as experts in your own rights. The time to change this all is now, and I want to do whatever I can to help you all grow!
Let me know your thoughts!
My first question is... who can offer to bring a video camera to class however often is practical?
Sequences, forms, and even super short videos of students requesting them to see how their form really looks, I think could be REALLY valuable.
It could be a great way to show progress & improvement, also.
I discovered this just recently, having Jays take a shot of my front squat with his iPhone. Of course, much less straight than I thought. ;)
My first request, though, (and I think for at least one other, as well...) would be a new video of the sword form... if anyone is willing to volunteer?
Just a short note to say I found this...
Sifu, I think this is a step forward for all of us... let us know if there are any other ways we can help you...
Also, a reminder to you all: my class at Spectrum on Saturday (11:45, after the advanced Tai Chi class) is certainly available to anyone in this group as my guest and (responding to Nikki) there are many MIRRORS! an excellent tool for self-improvement.
Thank you Sifu for setting this up.
... and thanks Nikki!...
Video is a tremendous tool for improvement, both for reference and for self-discovery.
If someone's got a camcorder that's easy to use and easy to upload video to Youtube with, that'd be a great thing.
Nik & Chris, your enthusiasm and drive are going to take you both VERY far. I hope the others take heed and emulate.
As for the sword form, when I'm back from this cold, I'll submit to demo-ing it for Youtube video.
Awesome, thanks Sifu.
And Chris, that's very generous of you, we will definitely have to do that sometime. :)
Nikki ... thank you for being the great impetus of progress. Your innovative ideas are very motivating and the direction of change that you have paved is invaluable for all. I'm glad sifu has responded with the formation of this site. If we utilize this blog as a self-exploring and self-improvement forum, we can all benefit.
I would definitely like a video of the sword form. It would be helpful to confirm the sword moves and transitions when I practice at home.
Although I do not have a video camera as such, my digital (still) camera can take video up to certain limits, and I'd be glad to try using it to video sword and other desired parts of the form. However, though I can upload to my computer I know nothing about uploading to Youtube.
Ellen... me either. But I betcha we can figure it out. :)
Thanks for offering your camera!
Nikki, Ellen, all:
I also have a digital camera capable of taking low-resolution video... I have used it to help me learn the Fut Ga open hand and staff forms recording fellow students. I'm glad that we now have Sifu's endorsement to use this tool... I'll bring mine tomorrow. The videos are too big to easily email, but they can be distributed on CDs or as you said on YouTube (I am also new to using that application).
Also, I may be buying a real video camera for my business soon.
See you all tomorrow.
The video of Kate demonstrating the sword form came out great... I will make copies on CD for anyone that wants one... however, I am out of town this weekend so you will have to wait until next week... see you all on the 28th.
Yay! I would love a copy. Big thanks to both of you for doing that. :)
About the Sword Form video:
Only 6 copies of the Sword Form practice video exist. If you have one, please use it for your personal training ONLY and do not make copies or disseminate it in any way.
If you do not have a copy and want one, please ask Sifu or Kate.
This was a trial run. In the future, we will follow Sifu's explicit guidance about making further training tools and for ANY uploading or copying.
Thanks to all...
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