Folks, there are a couple of things...all of which are slightly e-mail based for the time being, so please forgive the barrage of messages that are coming in to your mailboxes for the short run.
I sent out 2 sets of permission e-mails for THIS blog (reader & author). Please accept both. It's important to me that all of you whom I've invited have the ability to POST to the blog instead of merely commenting.
Because for those days that you are teaching, it's YOUR summary of the class that I'm most interested in. We all need to hear about the instructor's goals - what you were trying to accomplish, what you had difficulty with, what you were really excited or happy about in each class. Those thoughts and insights allow us to work better together in synergy; whether to adjust our behaviors so that the instructor in charge for the day encounters less unconscious (or subconscious) resistance from us, or to make suggestions to help with teaching a difficult section.
That said, perhaps I should post a bit on blog etiquette:
- Each blog post should cover its own topic. So if I'm replying to a particular post, I don't need to start my own post, but rather merely just comment on an existing post.
- We're all here to encourage each other in the best way possible, but that doesn't mean we're going to lie either if something is less than ideal.
- Please express yourself here. I know that some of you are relatively private folks, but the more we all practice expressing our feelings in an accurate, polite, and constructive manner, the better we'll all be as human beings, let alone as martial art students & instructors. You'll notice that I make prolific use of the word "please" throughout the blog, since it's those little niceties that make a huge difference in tone.
The Calendar
I'm trying something a little different with the Google calendar embedding so that you can see the details of appointments. Annnnnnnnd, it WORKED! Excellent!
Now, this calendar is a little incomplete in the sense that it doesn't have my training appointments, my teaching appointments, or my clinical appointments on there for the sake of client and patient privacy. I am still in the process of learning what to post and what not to, so if you have questions about the schedule you see up there, please ask.
Also, I'm going to keep entering group classes in the calendar even when I'm not there b/c I'd like those dates to still be in your awareness. I'm thinking of having it such that if you are willing to lead a particular class, you can tell me ahead of time, and I will indicate that you'll be teaching on the calendar.
Again, please let me know your thoughts, Folks.
It is great that you are starting to utilize the Google Calendar. There are many organizing features on Google Calendar that may help with hiding and revealing information while keeping your main calendar viewable to you.
One possible way is creating a calendar strictly for Martial Arts related open group courses and a different calendar for Kettlebell related open group courses. This way as you expand you can create different blog sites that serve those different interests.
Another suggestion would be to create a private calendar of your specific appointments that can be remained hidden by everyone else.
In the future, will this calendar be open for authorship by the various other teachers to share their open class times? Will there be a notation of who will be teaching the course on a specific day especially if the course is not going to be taught by you on the calendar?
All of this is still in the works. I have very limited time to try to figure all of this out in a way that I can implement it and maintain it.
I hope to have a calendar that the contributors can alter and that will still minimize my work as far as entering appointments. Right now, I'm still using Yahoo Calendar for the detailed specifics of my clinic calendar as well as ALL of my appointments. The Google calendar is more for things that revolve around training.
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